Terence A. Ollivierra has practiced yoga for more than half his life and has been teaching since 1999. He was initially drawn to martial arts at a very young age and practiced forms until picking up powerlifting for strength in his teenage years. His yoga practice also began as a teenager with a seven year self study ( Svadhyaya ) with B.K.S. Iyengar’s book Light on Yoga as his only guide. Initially certified to teach the Sivananda System of Hatha Yoga, Terence later practiced Astanga Yoga until in meeting his teacher John Schumacher, a certified Senior Iyengar Yoga teacher in 2003. He later began an apprenticeship with John which lasted almost 6 years. Terence is a certified Iyengar instructor. Movement, strengthening and building up stamina always play a role in his classes. He also studied at the Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration as well as The Institute for Structural Integration. He is a certified Rolfer™. He has been featured in Yoga Journal Magazine and more recently has been writing a series of articles for Yoga Journal China on structurally integrative alignment.